Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh hullo week three, nice to see you.

So we are entering week three and I really think I am starting to see a difference in Ella's head! How exciting is that? We have our follow up appointment on June 14, so that's just around the corner. Fingers crossed that we will have good news and hopefully only have to wear it for a few more months or less. Wishful thinking maybe, but I'm hoping for the best.

Some things I have learnt about Ella's Helmet:
-That helmet is HARD. It is especially hard when it whacks you in the face or chest.
-The buckle on the back leaves a welt on my arm when I'm feeding her. No matter what position I hold her in, I end up with a buckle sized welt on my arm. By the end of this, I will likely have a buckle sized scar on both of my forearms.
-I spend a good portion of the day kissing a mouthful of helmet, or trying to sneak under the brim to kiss her cheeks. I miss kissing her baby soft hair and rubbing her head when she goes to sleep. 
-Changing the strap isn't as easy as it looks. If its too tight, it hurts her neck, but if its too loose it rubs and leaves a sore spot under her chin. I dread the once weekly strap change, but I know it needs to be done. Oh Mondays, now I have another reason to loathe you!

Other than that, not much is new. Ella has her passport, and my pics were rejected (thank you WalMart Photographer Lady!) so I had them redone today. While I was there, an older man walked into a set of doors because he was staring at Ella. Sigh. WalMart seems to be a haven of ridiculousness these days.

Ella also starting standing unsupported and absolutely loves it. The helmet is actually pretty helpful right now, as she randomly decides to fall backwards, geronimo style! while standing.

 Standing, ahoy!

A few Ella Pics and then I'm out of here! 

 Hahaha, lovin' my chubby girl!

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