Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Month Follow Up...Drum Roll Please!

So today was our one month follow up at the Hospital for Sick Children. We had been waiting for this day for what felt like forever, and it was finally here. We really are super lucky to have such a world renowned hospital right in our backyard. It really is a gorgeous hospital, and the care is top notch.

We actually managed to arrive 30 minutes early for our appointment so we decided to do what everyone does, everywhere in the world, anytime they are 30 minutes early. Get a Starbucks!

I leave Steve for five minutes to go take pictures of the front of the hospital and I come back to the two of them surrounded by 5 people all oohing and ahhing about Ella and her helmet. She was quite a hit!

After that, we headed on over to the orthotics department where our follow up appointment was located.
Ella was charming everyone in the waiting room with her sweet legwarmer, custom onesie, and helmet combo.

We were called in, and the helmet was removed so our othotist could look at what progress we had made in the month since we had seen him. Poor Ella took one look at him and SCREAMED HER HEAD OFF. Poor guy. I don't think he took it personally. A stockingette was placed on her head so he could take pictures to chart our progress. As usual, these one size fits all stockingettes are not one size fits all for the extra large baby cheek population.

She needed a few mama cuddles to help her calm down. I felt horrible. Poor thing got herself so worked up. A few kisses and she was better. Wary of what was to come (she's not stupid!), but calmed down none the less.

He took a few pictures, and took Ella's helmet for readjusting while we sat there with baited breath hoping that we had made at least SOME progress. I was pretty sure we had, but I didn't want to get my hopes up in case things were still the same.

And this is what we saw!
Day One: May 14, 2012
One Month Later: June 14, 2012

YAYYYYYY! I see a huge difference especially in the upper right quadrant. That bump is flattening out, and the lower right quadrant is rounding out. Her head grew one cm in the last month and this had caused her entire head shape to shift. Our orthotist was not able to make any promises. We have made huge progress in the first month, but it might slow down the next month. We could be out of the helmet anywhere from 1-3 more months. Hurray!

We were all so excited, that Ella crashed on the way home.

All that excitement has worn this family out!

So this Mama is keeping her fingers crossed for the next 1-3 months. Month one, complete!


  1. Great news! I was there today as well. My baby daughter was getting casted for her helmet. I hope to have the same results as you!

  2. Awesome CG! Feel free to email me at if you have any questions! Best of luck to you. :)

  3. The change is absolutely amazing!

  4. Wow! those results are amazing!!! My son has an appt with a specialist in Boston soon. I am not sure if he will need a helmet, but after seeing your results after only one month I can see it is worth it!

  5. Thanks Amy! Good luck with your appointment. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. The whole process can be a little overwhelming at time. Best of luck.
