Thursday, May 31, 2012

A One Woman Helmet Ambassador

Sometimes when I'm out and about doing my daily business with Ella in tow, I feel like I am the personal ambassador of the helmet movement. The things people say are funny, kind, rude, and occasionally very very odd. Luckily the most common things I overhear or people ask me are:

"Why is she wearing a helmet?"
"Is that baby wearing a helmet???" (usually talking to someone else and pointing, hoping I don't overhear)
"Is that helmet protecting her head?"
"Does she have a flat spot? My (cousin, sister, friend, granddaughter etc) had to wear one as well."
"Oh, I see she's wearing a helmet for a flat spot! You know, you are supposed to turn them in the crib so they don't get those" (I love that one).
"Is there something wrong with your baby's head?"

I think most people assume the helmet is to protect her head from bumps. Most times I just smile and tell people what the helmet is for. I'd rather people ask me, and become educated on what its for, then assume horrible things. Although sometimes all the explaining in the world doesn't help people 'get' it. The other day at the Early Years Centre I had this conversation with another mum.

Mum: "May I ask why your daughter is wearing a helmet?"
Me: "She has a flat spot on the back of her head. The helmet is correcting it."
Mum: "A ….flat spot?"
Me: "Yes, a flat spot. From lying on one portion of her head too much as a baby. She had trouble moving her head well, because her neck muscles were tight on one side."
Mum: "Neck muscles?"
Me (starting to get annoyed): "Yes, they were short on one side so she had trouble moving her neck all the way around"
Mum: "How did that happen?"
Me (knowing this is not going to be understood, but going for it anyway): "It could have been congenital, in utero, during the birthing process, who knows?"
Mum (knowingly): "Well I'm glad her neck is re-attached then!"
Me: Smiling Politely.

Ella smiling politely at the Early Years Centre, despite the ridiculous conversations that go on there.

Another time we were at WalMart getting Ella's picture taken. Yes, my 7 month old daughter was required to SIT ON A STOOL and take passport pics that will look nothing like her in 3 months time. She looks like a mini baby terrorist. But I digress. Because we took them at Walmart, we got a free photo sitting which I booked for a few days later. When the session was completed, the lady took me aside when she saw me putting the helmet back on and asked:

Walmart Photographer Lady: "Is there something WRONG with her head?"
Me: "She has a flat spot on the back of her head. The helmet is correcting it."
WPL: "Oh, I see. Well, that's okay then."
Me: "Umm, yes its not too bad?"
WPL: "I wanted you to know that I'm very good at working with children with disabilities. My brother has cerebral palsy, and once! I had an autistic child here taking pictures, and I thought, he should have pictures! He's autistic! So I wanted you to know that I am very comfortable taking Ella's pictures."
Me (has no idea what to say): "Oh…"
WPL: Pats hand and walks away.

At this point, I'm not sure what to say. Her implying that Ella's flat spot was a disability that she was overcoming as a photographer was a bit too much to take in. I think she thought she was being kind? Oh Walmart Photographer Lady! You are too much for me to take in! 

I'd like to think that the people in the Greater Toronto Area are now a little more informed about the usage of helmets in babies. But perhaps that is just good thinking, . Regardless, I continue to be the helmet ambassador, and Ella is continuing to rock those onsies. Besides, who wouldn't stare at a cutie like this?

This mama is logging off for now! And until then, I will continue smiling politely and waving my helmet ambassador flag.



  1. Love your stories of people's stupidity. UGH.... Not looking forward to the stares and comments, and the "well you shouldn't have left him on his head so much" 'helpful' advice, when in fact, it has nothing to do with that! This is going to be harder on me than it is on Liam, I'm afraid! xoxo, Heather.

  2. People are so ridiculous! I hope you're able to laugh at their comments, I'd be tempted to punch them in the face ;). Love the blog Kaite!

  3. Thanks guys! I've kept my face punching to a minimum, but its been hard.

    Good luck Heather! At least some of the comments are so ignorant, they are actually a bit funny? Sigh. Liam will do great.

    Thanks Susie!
