Sunday, May 20, 2012

What a Difference a Week Makes

So wow, its been a week since we got Ella's helmet. I can't believe our appointment at Sick Kids was last Monday already. I've been amazed at how quickly Ella has adjusted and even more so how her wearing the helmet has already become the new norm. Regardless, in the last week I have learnt a lot.

1. The first day is the worst. And you only have to go through that once.
The first day was overwhelming. I wasn't sure if I was putting the helmet on right, and my anxiety / unconfident hands putting it on made her cry. Every time. It was worse because I was on my own at home and I was trying to fumble to get it on. I ended up putting her in the exersaucer and sneaking the helmet on her that way. Everyone was so supportive, and wonderful but it was overwhelming that the majority of daytime helmeting was put on my shoulders. It's easy to say "Don't worry! She'll adjust!" when you're not the one fumbling to squash your baby's head into an orthopaedic helmet. She also developed a sore under her chin, which made me feel even worse! Doubts ++.

A quick email to the orthotist with the pic and a bit of cornstarch on the strap fixed that up right away. His encouraging words got me through that first day.

2. Ella doesn't feel bad about wearing it, so why should I?
At first, I felt horrible every time I looked at my baby. I thought "Poor thing! Is she uncomfortable? Is she mad? Or sad? Is she confused as to why her mother is torturing her? Did I betray the mother / baby trust that I worked so hard to gain?" I spent a good 24 hours feeling sad when I looked at her wearing the helmet (and the helmet was super ugly at this point so that might have contributed). The next day I decided, I just wasn't going to feel bad anymore. There are much worse things in this world than helmeting, and she looked pretty darn cute regardless. When I stopped feeling sorry for her, she did too. And from then on out, it really wasn't so bad anymore.

3. Corn starch + baby sweat = Ella looking like she's been in a flour mill accident
In order to keep the helmet 'gliding smoothly' you are supposed to apply a fine layer of corn starch to the forehead portion of the helmet. Odd, but okay. It works great. That is until you pull it off and Ella looked like a flour truck exploded on her, and there is cornstarch solidified onto her head. Perhaps she should start wearing goggles?

(FYI Ella is not a vampire. She was eating beets in this picture. Beets, which I might add, come out the exact same way they went in. Yuck.)

4. Ella can do everything in the helmet that she could without it.
This includes jolly jumping, petting the dog, crawling, rolling like a crazy person in her crib, babbling at FULL VOLUME (LOL her favourite!), bouncing on daddy's knee. You name it. The other day she was sitting on her own, and then for some reason decided she was done with that and fell over. She hit her head on the carpet and didn't even cry! How convenient that she was wearing her head protector!

5. People stare less than you'd think.
People stare certainly. Its not everyday you see a baby strolling on by in a helmet. Possibly they are wondering where she has parked her Vespa. Regardless, most people when they notice me staring either smile, or comment on how cute she is. (Which I whole heartedly agree with). One older woman asked me "how often we had to change it." I thought she meant the stickers so I said "As often as we'd like!" But I think she meant how often does she grow out of the helmet? Regardless, it was an awkward moment until we paid for our groceries and walked away. Steve said we should have answered "Depends on how many times she's soiled herself that day." Oh hindsight, how funny I could be if I was only getting more than 4 hours sleep a night.

No sleep for you Mama! Sleep is for the weak!

And a few more Ella pics for good measure!

Happy Long Weekend Everyone!


  1. I just found your blog via your baby and bump signature and I just wanted to say what a beautiful daughter you have! Such a trooper! And I love your writing style! Cracks me up. I'll definitely be following your blog!

  2. Welcome and thanks for following!
