Friday, May 18, 2012

Martha Stewart ain't got nothin' on us

So there is one person in this household who religiously subscribes to Martha Stewart living. Its not me. Or Ella. Or Wyatt. Regardless, Steve and I were both super excited to paint her helmet. Unpainted it looks very boring, and also very 'medicinal'. Besides, what woman in this world wants her one accessory that doesn't change to be colourless? No one, I tell you! And certainly not my fancy girl!

So Steve and I set out with a game plan. Bright pink helmet. Name on the front in decals or stencil, and stickers on the rest of the helmet. If it were my helmet I'd paint it teal and brown,  but alas it is Ella's and I feel that she would like a more pink / flower / girly combo.

So it began! Because Ella is weaning in to weaning the helmet we got started the first night. 

First was to gather our supplies and paint and get the helmet ready for painting. 

 (FYI fushia kiss is possibly the most awesome name for paint ever?)

First coat of paint on! I was terrified that we had actually made the helmet worse instead of better and poor thing had to wear it around ghetto style for a full day before we could put another layer on.

Second coat of paint made it MUCH better. Phew.

Second coat of paint + Ella lettering (thank you Michaels!)

Finally, a coat of modge podgy and some stickers.

Is there a cuter model out there? I don't think so!

Wyatt agrees.

So all in all we are super happy how it turned out! Hopefully Ella enjoys her fancy helmet for the next 4-6 months!


  1. You both did a great job! Ella is precious!

  2. Is that just regular house paint you used? Has it chipped at all overtime? I love it, it looks awesome! If you had to do it again would you paint the helmet? :)

  3. Haha yes, its Behr Ultra interior and exterior paint and primer in one. We tried the non-toxic acrylic paint and it didn't stick to the helmet at all and wiped right off. Because she was weaning into helmet wearing at the time, and not wearing it at night, we would paint it and fan it out for 12 hours to get rid of fumes. The modge podge has sealed it in completely. The only areas that have chipped was a small area on the edge where I missed the podge. A quick touch up, and resealed it, and it hasn't chipped since.

    If I had to do it again, I would 100% paint it. It just looks so. much. better. painted. Although it gets mistaken for a bike helmet quite a bit? Hahaha, what can you do really?
