Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The countdown is ON!

So I have been neglecting the blog a bit these days and for that I apologize. Ella and I have been busy busy busy! I can't believe its September already?? Ella is almost one year old and she is just off to the races. I can barely get a cup of coffee in me before she's run out of the room and is up to mischief somewhere else. I'm exhausted. (As an aside, Ella is like a coffee cup detective. If I put it ANYWHERE within grabbing distance she's pulled that thing down in a matter of seconds. I now drink my coffee standing up, in the corner, lest the coffee cup monster hear me drinking and come running over to try and grab it.)

You think that gate will stop me?? HA! Let's not play that game, Mama!

The dog is on MY side, Mama! Let's go find some grass to eat, or mischief to get into!

Ella's favourite activity. Singing. At the top of her lungs. All. Day. Long.


Woo hoo laundry basket ride!! LET's GO!

Oh and if you ever wondered if she wears her helmet while eating, you can take a look at this picture and you will see why she doesn't.

Despite us being super busy, I have been diligent about our helmet wearing. We are in what I hope to be our last month, so I am doing everything I can to get those hours in. In every family there is the helmet "put-er-on-er" and the helmet "take-er-off-er". I am the put-er-on-er in my family and watch the clock like a hound. Someone has to! If it was up to my husband, she'd wear it 3 hours a day and he'd count 18. *shake fist*

I like Daddy's version of 18 hours better than yours, Mama!

 Seriously though, I do.

After our last appointment we were up at the cottage for a week enjoying the cottage life...

...and then we were at Great Wolf Lodge with our family. Which ended up with 4 adults, 2 children and 1 baby sharing a hotel room for the night. And yet, everyone slept pretty well?? All of us crammed in one room, with Ella in the second room, sleeping in the closet in her pack and play. No one chose to sleep in the king bed in that room for some reason? Ha!

Ella wearing her life jacket just in case a tidal wave hits the kiddie pool and Steve can't manage to hold on to her in the aftermath.

Ella and her cousins. 2 of her most favourite people in the world. :)

After Great Wolf Lodge, we went for a family trip to a local conservation area.  Ella totally enjoyed all the splash pad and SWIMMING on the long weekend (are you noticing a theme with all of these pictures?)

Anyway! After our last appointment I was in a rush to get home and beat the horrendous rush hour traffic. (Which of course, we didn't beat because who can get out of the city at 4pm on a Friday EVER?). I then realized that I booked our next appointment for 5 weeks instead of 4. No big deal, right? Just wear it another week?? This type A Mama is too helmet obsessed to wait another week. So I phoned the clinic and the lovely receptionist booked us in for this Friday. BOOYAH! The COUNTDOWN IS ON! We have what I HOPE is our final appointment, this Friday, September 7th. Wish us luck, internets!

T-minus 3 days and counting....


  1. Good luck Ella, I hope she gets to graduate from the helmet on friday!

  2. I'm sure she will do GREAT on Friday!

    She is just an ABSOLUTE DOLL!!! I want to take her home and gobble up those cheekies! Too cute!

  3. I can't wait to hear the news on Friday! Ella is so adorable. I especially love the picture of her singing.
