Friday, September 7, 2012

The AntiClimax

As I was approaching this appointment, it was apparent one of two things would happen. One, we would be DONE FOREVER! or two, we would be back to Sick Kids in another month and then we would be DONE. In my head, in the first scenario, there would people waving flags that would say "GO ELLA!" or "LOOK AT THE NOGGIN'!" or "BOOYAH for ROUND HEADS!" Perhaps there would be a graduation ceremony of sorts, where they would replace the helmet with a graduation cap and present her with a diploma of round-headed-ness.

What happened, was neither of these options.

As usual we walked the complicated system of the underground maze of the Hospital for Sick Children. Ella chewed her shoe to pass the time.

Ella was very contemplative about this appointment and her helmet fate.
I am thinking very hard about either my helmet, or whether or not Mama brought enough puffs for the ride home.

As we waited, Ella showed off her newest skill. Giving kisses! Steve was loving this. What's sweeter is she has learnt to add the "MWAH" noise, so she'll make it even if her lips aren't in contact with your cheek.

As soon as our orthotist walked in, the theatrics started. He didn't even need to touch her helmet this time before the screaming started.

This is the WORST thing to happen to a baby EVER! 

 No wait! This is!

From there came the worst part of the whole appointment. The sock heading. This month was no different from months past.

Ella calming down post sock heading with some Mama cuddles and good thumb sucking. (Note, I look like I was hit by a bus because SOMEONE was up for the day at 4:45am this morning. I wonder who that was.)

What we learnt from this appointment was that Ella's head didn't increase in circumference last month. Her growth is slowing down. This is normal for all growing babies. The problem is, these helmets work based on a passive system of growth. As her head grows, it grows into the perfect shape. When her head isn't growing, alas, it is not changing shape at all. From last month to this month, we have seen no change in her head shape.

What that means for us in the long term is that the helmet has pretty much reached its maximum level of effectiveness. Her head looks pretty much perfect to me, and there is one small section that is still a wee bit flat. Its very minor, and probably not noticeable to anyone but their head obsessed mother. What we need to do is to wear the helmet for four more weeks. At this time, we are done with the helmet and no follow up is required. That's basically as good as it gets. 

This is bittersweet. Like all mums with helmeted babes, we are hoping for someone to declare their PERFECTION. This head is now PERFECT! It is perfect because you struggled for weeks with this helmet and because all you wanted was to do what was best for your child. And a specialist declaring this fact makes you feel like everything that you did was worth it and the right decision and all wrapped up in a pretty box of fairy tale happiness.  Life doesn't work that way. What I realized today, is that Ella's head was perfect before, as wonky as it was, and its perfect now because it is ELLA's. And that lesson, as hard as it was to learn, is what makes me so lucky to have gone through this whole process. (Well, that and the fact now Ella can shave her head with pride and be able to fit into a regular bike helmet).

 We said our good byes to the wonderful staff of the Orthotics Department at the Hospital for Sick Children.

 Myself, Ella, and Arthur, photographer of sock heads and rounder of melons. Thank you Arthur!

The lovely and talented Ms. Jana, receptionist extraordinaire, and a big fan of Molding a Melon!

From then, we hit the road home. What is usually an hour drive took us TWO AND A HALF HOURS (15 minutes longer than our upcoming flight to Myrtle Beach if you can believe that. I can either get across the City of Toronto or FLY TO ANOTHER COUNTRY).

Playing with a Starbucks straw bought us fifteen minutes of entertainment.
This is fun for now, Mama, but if you think this will entertain me for 2.5 hours you have another thing coming!

Two episodes of Baby Einstein later, we resorted to playing with the In the Night Garden App. If I hear that Upsy Daisy singing song again I might gouge my eyes out. What a creepy creepy show.

Hmmm, I'll just get this app all set up here....
What'chu lookin' at Mama? I'm iPadding!

So alas, 4 more weeks of sweaty helmet headed baby and corn starch foreheads. Stay tuned lovely blog readers! Our journey isn't over just yet.


  1. I'm sorry you didn't get the exact news that you had hoped for but there's been a TON of beautiful progress. Either way ~ you have the perfect, adorable little lady who is already engaged to the handsomest little man in the universe~ Grant! :) I'm glad there is a set number of days that you can count down and be DONE with this!

    hugs for a beautiful momma & daughter! xoxo

  2. One more month! You're almost there!

    I LOVE the pics of her in the car seat, especially that look she's giving you in the next to last photo. ha!

  3. Aww, sorry to hear it wasn't the celebration we were hoping for, you'll have to have a big party or something to celebrate the end in 4 weeks. Also, I love your captions with the photos, haha!

  4. Thanks guys for the lovely comments! Blogging about this whole thing was therapeutic. Your comments help me keep everything in perspective. So thank you all.
