Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Booyah Vacation!

So I had this whole post thought out in my head (a crazy place to be) called HELMIES IN THE SKY! or FLAT HEADS ON A PLANE! and it would feature adorable smiling pictures of Ella looking out the window of the airplane, while her parents were relaxed and calm and enjoying their vacation. The reality of it was she was still spiking a fever, she was crabby, and breaking out in a rash. Lovely not only for her parents, who were stressed out travelling with a sick baby, but lovely for our fellow travellers as well.
Travelling with a baby! Easy! Let me just pack up the whole house, struggle with a car seat, stroller, carrier, extra pacifiers, toys, food, carry on, passports and jauntily board the plane!

Taking the ferry across to Toronto Island Airport.

The plane ride there resulted in mostly crying, crabbing, a 30 minute nap on Steve and I, and a lot of squirming while I tried to hold her in my lap because the damn seat beat sign was on and the stewardess shook her finger at me every time I tried to get up and walk around with her. She also kicked us out of the bulkhead seating row (THAT WASN'T BESIDE THE EXIT) because we were "too close to an exit in the case of a crash". So we squashed ourselves back into the steerage seats, while our neighbours gave us sympathetic looks.

Steve loves flying with a baby!

We arrived and I couldn't wait to take Ella to the beach. If ANYTHING IN THE WORLD was to cheer my little crab bucket up, it was going to be her first trip to the beach, Mama's favourite place the in the whole world. I got her all suited up (and sunscreened, and hatt-ed) and off we went to enjoy her first time playing in the sand.
 Hmm. The beach is nice I guess...
 I don't want to appear to love it TOO much.
 This sand is interesting...
Ooooh windy!

Luckily she started feeling better a few days later, with some help from her favourite cousins, aunt and uncle, Nanny and Poppy and Aunt Deb, we managed to relax and enjoy our first family vacation. The rash cleared, we were back to night-time and nap helmet wearing, and we had a blast.
 Hi Auntie Lis!
 Oooh, I'm not sure about this ride? 
(Note: She didn't actually ride this drop zone ride. I just sat here there for a picture to tease my husband, who tends to be a 'tad' overprotective of Ella going on Kiddie Rides. Needless to say, he didn't love the joke as much as my sister and I did!)

 I love stroller rides!
 Oh hi, Hailey.

Our final morning in Myrtle Beach was absolutely stunning. We were sad to go, but know we'll be back next year, travelling with an almost two year old. And we thought this year was challenging? Ha! Lord knows what next year will bring. :) 

T-minus one week, 2 days, and counting! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures. Such a beautiful family. Glad you had a great vacation! xoxo. H.
