Friday, June 29, 2012

Helmet Pride

So I was driving around Caledon yesterday and saw this sign. How hilarious is that? Even the Caledon OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) support the use of helmet wearing. Be proud, helmet wearers!

Ella showing off that prize winning noggin

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians, and Happy Fourth of July to our American friends! Have an awesome long weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Storm Troopers and Motorcycle Gangs

So despite the plagiocephaly team at Sick Kids keeps telling me how common these helmets are, and how "you'll be seeing them everywhere in the community", I have *yet* to see another helmet kid out and about. And Ella and I frequent quite a bit of kids places (parks, swimming pool, Early Year Centres). Where are all these other helmet kids hiding? Another mum at the Early Years Centre told me there was a young boy who had a helmet, but he didn't wear it out of the house. Perhaps all of these other helmet kids are hiding? Come out of your caves, I say! And wave that helmet flag! Be proud of that noggin!

Ella is.

Anyway, a good friend of mine, Heather, has a young son named Liam. Liam is also a member of the flat head crew, and is now a card carrying member of the helmet club. Liam and his mummy live in California, and they do helmets a little differently there. Ella's helmet is a modified Clarren design. These helmets are considered 'passive'. The helmet is a perfect shape, while alas, Ella's head is not. As she grows, her head will grow into the perfect shape of the helmet. This will take 2-6 months likely. No pressure is put on the head, it just allows room for Ella's head to grow into the perfect shape. We go monthly for follow ups.

Liam's helmet is a Doc Band. These helmets are considered 'active' helmets. These helmets apply gentle pressure to the bulgy areas, and allow room for growth in the flat areas. These helemts are adjusted weekly and look slightly different then the Clarrens. Most kids are in these for 2-4 months as well. We only have one option in Toronto, so that was the one we went for! Either way, both helmets do the job, and both Liam and Ella will soon be able to model for "Perfect Noggins Weekly".

Ella was very nervous when Liam had his fitting appointment. I think she remembered how upsetting and screamy it was for her. She worked hard that morning to send Liam a card all the way in California.

Wyatt was very concerned as well but he fell asleep during the photo shoot. But he woke up in anticipation of hearing how the appointment had gone.

Soon Liam's appointment was over and he was sporting his new rocking helmet. As an aside, our Canadian helmets tend to look like babies in motorcycle gangs, and the American ones are more star trooper-ish. Take your pick!

Liam's undecorated helmet, storm trooper style!

Liam's Mom, Heather, was hard at work decorating Liam's helmet with his favourite things...PIRATES!

Heather did an awesome job and it looks super cool now. I think that Liam agrees!

Even if it makes him crabby sometimes. 

Thanks for the fancy helmet, Mama! I'll thank you in 18 years!

Special shout out to Heather Owen and her son Liam for being our special guest in this week's edition of Molding a Melon.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Month Follow Up...Drum Roll Please!

So today was our one month follow up at the Hospital for Sick Children. We had been waiting for this day for what felt like forever, and it was finally here. We really are super lucky to have such a world renowned hospital right in our backyard. It really is a gorgeous hospital, and the care is top notch.

We actually managed to arrive 30 minutes early for our appointment so we decided to do what everyone does, everywhere in the world, anytime they are 30 minutes early. Get a Starbucks!

I leave Steve for five minutes to go take pictures of the front of the hospital and I come back to the two of them surrounded by 5 people all oohing and ahhing about Ella and her helmet. She was quite a hit!

After that, we headed on over to the orthotics department where our follow up appointment was located.
Ella was charming everyone in the waiting room with her sweet legwarmer, custom onesie, and helmet combo.

We were called in, and the helmet was removed so our othotist could look at what progress we had made in the month since we had seen him. Poor Ella took one look at him and SCREAMED HER HEAD OFF. Poor guy. I don't think he took it personally. A stockingette was placed on her head so he could take pictures to chart our progress. As usual, these one size fits all stockingettes are not one size fits all for the extra large baby cheek population.

She needed a few mama cuddles to help her calm down. I felt horrible. Poor thing got herself so worked up. A few kisses and she was better. Wary of what was to come (she's not stupid!), but calmed down none the less.

He took a few pictures, and took Ella's helmet for readjusting while we sat there with baited breath hoping that we had made at least SOME progress. I was pretty sure we had, but I didn't want to get my hopes up in case things were still the same.

And this is what we saw!
Day One: May 14, 2012
One Month Later: June 14, 2012

YAYYYYYY! I see a huge difference especially in the upper right quadrant. That bump is flattening out, and the lower right quadrant is rounding out. Her head grew one cm in the last month and this had caused her entire head shape to shift. Our orthotist was not able to make any promises. We have made huge progress in the first month, but it might slow down the next month. We could be out of the helmet anywhere from 1-3 more months. Hurray!

We were all so excited, that Ella crashed on the way home.

All that excitement has worn this family out!

So this Mama is keeping her fingers crossed for the next 1-3 months. Month one, complete!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Dog Days of Summer

Not much is new here. Ella and I have been enjoying the beautiful hot weather these days. Unfortunately, Ella can't wear her helmet outside for risk of overheating (who would have guessed that wearing layers of foam on your head could do that? ha!), so we have to plan our days to maximize helmet wearing and outdoor fun time. We're trying our best to find a balance between helmet wearing and letting Ella go outside and be a kid. Ella is such a water baby, and will outside in her kiddie pool for hours splashing about.

 Our 'pool' set up on the lawn!

Wyatt enjoys pool water way more than his PERSONALIZED bowl filled with ICE CUBES. I think he finds pool water tastier.

Sometimes we get lucky and get to go "big girl swimming" in Grandma's pool in Niagara on the Lake or my sister's in law's pool. Ella loves this even more than her kiddie pool set up.

Don't even think of putting my helmet on just yet, Poppy! I am loving this weather too much!

So Thursday is our big follow up appointment at Sick Kids to see if we have made any progress with Ella's head shape. Wish us luck! Here's hoping for some good helmet news. I've got everything crossed.

Happy Summer everyone!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh hullo week three, nice to see you.

So we are entering week three and I really think I am starting to see a difference in Ella's head! How exciting is that? We have our follow up appointment on June 14, so that's just around the corner. Fingers crossed that we will have good news and hopefully only have to wear it for a few more months or less. Wishful thinking maybe, but I'm hoping for the best.

Some things I have learnt about Ella's Helmet:
-That helmet is HARD. It is especially hard when it whacks you in the face or chest.
-The buckle on the back leaves a welt on my arm when I'm feeding her. No matter what position I hold her in, I end up with a buckle sized welt on my arm. By the end of this, I will likely have a buckle sized scar on both of my forearms.
-I spend a good portion of the day kissing a mouthful of helmet, or trying to sneak under the brim to kiss her cheeks. I miss kissing her baby soft hair and rubbing her head when she goes to sleep. 
-Changing the strap isn't as easy as it looks. If its too tight, it hurts her neck, but if its too loose it rubs and leaves a sore spot under her chin. I dread the once weekly strap change, but I know it needs to be done. Oh Mondays, now I have another reason to loathe you!

Other than that, not much is new. Ella has her passport, and my pics were rejected (thank you WalMart Photographer Lady!) so I had them redone today. While I was there, an older man walked into a set of doors because he was staring at Ella. Sigh. WalMart seems to be a haven of ridiculousness these days.

Ella also starting standing unsupported and absolutely loves it. The helmet is actually pretty helpful right now, as she randomly decides to fall backwards, geronimo style! while standing.

 Standing, ahoy!

A few Ella Pics and then I'm out of here! 

 Hahaha, lovin' my chubby girl!