Monday, August 6, 2012

Flat Heads from the land Down Under!

So Ella and I have been busy busy busy the past week or so. This girl is GO GO GO from the minute she wakes up until the moment she conks out for the night (temporarily, before she decides being AWAKE is more exciting than being ASLEEP, and decides to start dancing around her crib). In the last few weeks she has gone from being fairly mobile to being MOBILE with a capital M. I can't keep up with this kid! I have set up the pack and play as a holding cell in the living room so I can go to the bathroom without worrying about finding Ella into some mischief.

So long, Mama! I'm off for now! Try and catch me!

Monkey Man and I are off on an adventure! I found a BOX!
This shoe is TASTY mama!

 Don't worry about me! I'll just walk around here, okay?
 I'll just eat this random water bottle I found on the floor of the Early Years Centre, okay Mama?
 Out of the way, Mama! The dog and I are sharing a secret.
I WON'T NAP MAMA! I'd rather SING and DANCE! And you can't stop me!

Ohhhh, I'm exhausted just typing all of that out. Sigh. Anyway! I have been lucky enough to be contacted by another Mum, this time from Australia. How awesome is that?! Interestingly enough, helmets in Australia AGAIN are different from not only our Canadian helmets, but the American ones as well.

So for our Helmet Recap!
Canadian Motorcyle Helmets:
 American Storm Trooper Style:
Now if you add Helmet One + Helmet Two you will end up with Helmet 3!

Caitlyn's STAR band! STAR band stands for Symmetry Through Active Remolding. This helmet looks like a combination of both the Clarren Canadian Helmet, and the American DOC band. This band works similarly to the Clarren Helmet, in the way that it provides contact over the bulgy areas of the baby's head and allows space in the flat spots. Eventually, like the Clarrens, the baby's head will grow into the perfect shape of the helmet, and the flat spots will fill in.

Caitlyn's Mummy, Tegan, wrote to me from the land down under to share her story of Caitlyn and her helmet. When Caitlyn was still in utero, there was a lack of amniotic fluid. This caused Caitlyn's accommodations to become slightly cramped and Caitlyn was born with clubfoot and minor torticollis (like Ella). At Caitlyn's two month appointment, Tegan brought up the flat spot to her GP, however thought it would likely get better with positioning and time. Unfortunately, that was not the case and Caitlyn ended up being fitted for her helmet at 5 months old.

Caitlyn was a real trooper when she was fitted for her helmet. In Australia, they used the plaster mold technique as well. Apparently Caitlyn enjoyed the process, and found the warm plaster so soothing, she fell asleep! 

(If you recall these pictures, Ella did not find the same enjoyment from the warm plaster mold).

From there, Tegan was allowed to choose the pattern for the helmet. How lovely! This is the only company I have seen so far that actually allows you to choose a colour or pattern! Get with the times other companies! Colours rock! You want to be able to accessorize your helmet.

Caitlyn has been adjusting well, and is back to her usual activities such as:

Rollin' with her homies!
And apparently playing with her big brother William, who to his mother's horror found him banging on Caitlyn's helmet. When questioned he stated: "I not hitting mummy, I fixing her helmet!" Luckily, he has learnt to help fix her helmet "gently" and is being a wonderful big brother to Caitlyn.

Thanks so much to Tegan and her lovely family for being this week's guest on Molding a Melon. :) Oh, and she just started a blog as well. Check it out at:


  1. Thank you so much kaite!! We are pretty chuffed to have you write about us and are so glad to have met you!!!

  2. Awwww Ella is SUCH a big girl! I can't believe how mobile she is!! Didn't she just pop out of you and was this teeny little thing!?!??! AMAZING how much changes in just a matter of months! She is just ADORABLE!

    I love the story of Tegan too! :)

  3. Love the new Ella pictures! It's nice to get to hear about the different people experiencing the same thing around the world. They use those STAR band helmets here too. Who would have thought there were so many different kinds?

  4. Aww! Loved reading this update! Woohoo Ella for being such a big girl and keeping mommy on her toes! Lmao!!!! xoxo
