Monday, July 16, 2012

From Sock Heads to Egg Heads

So we have been busy busy busy these days! Our house finally sold (yay!) so we have been very busy packing up (boo!) and looking for a new house. It has been stressful to say the least, as Ella is full speed crawling, pulling up and cruising these days so I randomly find Ella in very precarious positions such as trying to pull a lamp over or falling into a half packed box. Regardless, we have been as diligent with the helmet wearing as we can be, despite the record breaking heat, and we're doing our best to make our 18 hour a day minimum. I was praying that we would be done with the helmet at this appointment, even though that was very very unlikely.

On the way to the appointment. Notice the Friends of Tie Domi Rehabilitation Clinic on the way. Future job perhaps? I've always wanted to work in pediatrics. 

Ella was very excited to be strolling around Sick Kids with her Daddy. :)

Soon we were at the orthotics clinic and Ella was giggling away at all the other kids in the waiting room.
Finally, it was our turn for our appointment.

First was the most dreaded part of the appointment for Ella. The placing the "one size fits most, but not Ella due to her extra large cheeks" sock on her head to do the measurements and pictures for comparison.

Ella was crying very dramatically and Daddy couldn't help but laugh at her antics! Its just a sock Ella! It won't hurt you! Still, she was not impressed.

Not impressed, Daddy. Don't ever do that again.
Okay, I'm happy again!
Steve was eagerly checking out Ella's head while our orthotist was adjusting the helmet and creating the before and after pictures for us.

And this is what we saw:

We are still making good improvements. Ella's forehead has grown 0.5cm this month, and she has gained a total of one cm of growth in circumference. Apparently her head is becoming a perfect 'egg' shape, which is what they are looking for. We are so *close* to being done, but aren't there quite yet. We go back in a month to see if anything has changed.

Sigh, so close but no cigar!

Ella doesn't seem too upset about it though.

It's okay Mama! I don't mind the helmet too much. I think it bothers you more than me!
So here we go again! One more month until our next follow up. Until then, my fingers are crossed.

This tired Mama is off to bed. Happy Monday everyone!


  1. She is so darn cute and such a smiley little girl! Glad to see the positive progress you're making with the helmet!

  2. Thanks Brittany! We're doing out best. One day at a time!

  3. I believe 23 hours a day for 6months is a painful process for the babies as well as the parent. Let promote the awareness and prevention for plagiocephaly.

  4. If a child is PREDISPOSED to developing torticollis while IN UTERO, then how does one prevent such a thing, "Mimos Pillow"? If a child has a very difficult delivery, and is STUCK in the vaginal canal for hours, how does one prevent such a thing? Granted, if a parent is CARELESS and lays their child on his/her back all the time, and fails to incorporate tummy time, then that is one entirely different thing... Maybe you should re-think your comments and suggestions before knowing the whole story. When a parent is doing everything they can to give their child a better life - starting with therapy, repositioning, various expensive, useless pillows, and, as a last resort, a helmet to correct an obvious problem, how could anyone fault someone for such a thing? And, trust me, the helmet is harder on the parents than it is for the child... The helmet becomes second nature to the child, and in my experience, most don't mind it a SINGLE bit, and actually reach for it when it comes off. I'm sure these babies will thank their parents later when they are sporting a perfect head and know their parents did everything they could for them to have a better life and be thankful that such issues can be corrected. Let's promote knowing the FULL STORY before we get all "preachy" on the subject, yes??? Yes.

  5. Mimos, its very interesting that you should find my blog on the world wide web and comment. Ironically enough, we have purchased not ONE but TWO of your pillows on the advice of our physiotherapist. Our daughter has used them anytime she was on her back from the age of 2 months until 6 months when she was fitted for her helmet. As you can see, all the pillows, positioning, and therapy in the world (and we've tried it all) have not prevented us from being where we are today. Being condescending, especially to a parent who has tried all other avenues before resorting to helmet therapy, is truly a low blow. I have advised others to use this pillow, despite the fact it didn't prevent plagiocephaly and helmeting in our case, but I certainly will refer them to another company now. Please keep your comments to yourself in the future.
